The Deck Bar in Darwin is hosting two pie eating contests this Australia day. First is a competition to see who can eat a whole pie without using their hands.
… Tam eating competition was no exception. Eight ladies indulged in the "straw challenge" as part of Australia Day celebrations at Winston Glades Tavern.
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Tucker the kelpie-cross didn\'t let the cancellation of the Australia Day ute … blues show their muscle in the traditional hands-free pie eating contest. | |
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++++++ AT Tim's place on Australia Day they have the annual lamington eating competition. Every guest gets two lamingtons. On the slapping together of two …
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It's not every day that you head to the races and see more people in a pie-eating contest than horses in a race – but that was all part of the Australia Day …
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A great turn out for the Yardbird Ale House Death Sentence Wing challenge. We had the challenge outside at the front of the Yardbird, with crowds filling up not only the Yardbird, but spilling over next door into “Hot Dog Style” and the car park.
Greg the head chef started out strong, with many pinning him as the favorite (insider knowledge!). Adam looked like he was going to take out the competition based on his stack of eaten wings, but Jared kept his cool, winning the competition by only 2 wings.
There was some controversy as second placed “Middo” was given a 3 wing penalty due to a noticeable amount of meat and skin being left on the wings. Prior to his wings being counted, Billy, Middo and Yardbird owner Luke publicly debated how many wings should be deducted from his total, and all agreed 3 was fair. He was the last person counted in the competition, and with the deduction he came in 2 wings short of first place! Middo showed great sportsmanship and humbly accepted his second place finish.
Warren “El Scorcho” Lees, a last minute entry was only 1 wing from third place, a fantastic effort for his first try at competitive eating.
First place: Jared “Jihad” Martin – 39 wings, winning $100 bar tab and a bottle of Single Barrel Jack Daniel’s Whiskey
Second place: Adam “Middo” – 37 wings, winning a $50 bar tab
Third place: Shawn “Shawneebee” Brown – 32 wings, winning a $25 bar tab
Interested in entering? Subscribe to our mailing list at the bottom of this page. Yardbird Ale House in association with and will be presenting round 2 soon, so stay tuned!
Event Details:
Yardbird Ale House, in association with and are proud to present the very first “Yardbird Ale House Death Sentence Wing Challenge”. Are you man enough to eat as many Death Sentence wings as possible in 12 minutes?
- First prize either a $100 bar tab at Yardbird Ale House or a $100 tattoo voucher from 198 Tattoo, as well as a bottle of Single Barrel Jack Daniel’s Whiskey.
- Second prize is either a $50 bar tab at Yardbird Ale House or a $50 tattoo voucher from 198 Tattoo
- Third Prize is a $25 bar tab at Yardbird Ale House
- Contestants have 12 minutes to eat as many of Yardbird Ale House’s “Death Sentence Wings” as possible.
- Liquids can be consumed as part of the competition, and can only be supplied by the Yardbird Ale House. No dairy.
- Contestants must not leave the table at any time during the competition. Those who do will instantly be disqualified
- Contestants who have a “reversal” are instantly disqualified. A reversal will be determined by the head judge with no further discussion entered into. The judges decision is final.
- At the end of the 12 minutes, what goes in and stays in counts, so long as it’s consumed within 2 minutes after the 12 minutes has elapsed. Failure to finish will result in a 3 wing penalty.
How to enter:
Contestants must qualify and register by Saturday 22 January 2012. Entry fee is $20 and must be paid prior to the event. For more details, email, visit their facebook page at or leave a comment below this article.
Will you take out the very first Yardbird Ale House Death Sentence Wing Challenge?
… thong race at the Australia Day celebrations at Kingston Beach. … festive crowds were watching pie-eating contests, playing beach cricket or watching …
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The Jockey Club is going ahead as planned with the Australia Day activities, … there will be a thong-throwing competition and a pie-eating competition.
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At the official Port Macquarie-Hastings Council Australia Day functions … and the now-famous pavlova eating competition will keep everyone laughing.
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Gunalda Hotel has organised the Australia Day Challenge. Teams of six are invited to enter for $60 to win cash prizes throughout the day. The day will begin with an innings of wheelie bin cricket, followed by a pie-eating contest, crayfish races and a …
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