Colin burst onto the competitive eating scene in March 2012 when he won the Hot Dog Style Hot Dog Eating Competition, eating 10 HDB’s in 12 minutes. After realising his potential, he soon entered the Yardbird Ale House Death Sentence Wing Challenge 2, where he missed out on a top 3 spot by only 1 wing. Determined to make the finals, he returned for round 3 where he won the event, securing his place in Yardbird folklore and solidifying his position as an eater to be reckoned with.
With speed being his forte, he has won a number of other events in 2012, and recently flew interstate to compete in the Taco Bill’s “Big Willi” Grand Fork Off, placing second overall.
Colin has recently launched his own eating blog, http://www.bigeats.com.au where he’ll be documenting eating challenges around Australia.
- 1st place in the 2013 Panyiri Greek Festival Honey Puff Eating Contest, Brisbane (2nd year running), 19 May 2013
- 2nd place in the 2013 Paniyiri Greek Festival Pasta Eating Competition, Brisbane, 19 May 2013
- 1st place 2013 Carnevale Italian Festival, Adelaide
- 1st place noodle eating competition at Hakataya Ramen Japanese Restaurant, Brisbane, October 2012
- 3rd place in the 2012 Outback Jacks national challenge final, Gold Coast
- 1st place in the 2012 Paniyiri Greek Festival Honey Puff Eating Contest, 20 May 2012
- 1st place in the 2012 Yardbird Ale House Death Sentence Wing Challenge 3, 28 July 2012
- 1st place in the 2012 Royal Exchange Eating Competition “Slurpee” Team event, with Daniel Mercer, Billy Boyd, and ?? (date TBC)
- 1st place in the 2012 Royal Exchange Eating Competition “Grand Final” Team event, with Daniel Mercer, Jared Martin and ?? (date TBC)